Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just did what I could do of the first day's workout

So the first day's workout wasn't too bad...but I don't think I can do the abs.
I felt really hot, probably because I was running a mild fever, but I did some interval training on the elliptical and it wasn't too bad.  25 minutes of 1 min at 4.0 mph with 30 seconds of 6.0 mph with a 5 minute cooldown got me to 2 miles.  I don't think I can manage the Ab ripper though.  My sinuses are cleared, but now I'm exhausted :(  I just felt so bad about all the fried foods I ate today :(

Tomorrow, what shall I eat?
Breakfast: Cliff Bar
Lunch: whatever comes in the Wescoe Society lunch
Dinner: lunch I was supposed to eat today
Snack: yogurt?  fruit?

Speaking of fruit, I kind of want a plum.  Or a peach.

I should figure out shopping for tomorrow.  Aldi's just got their shipment of fresh food in.  I should get some grapes, bananas, avocados, and mangoes.  I should also pick up some eggs, egg substitute, and bread.  And more salad.  Just 2-3 bags.  I am thinking about going to a couple lectures tomorrow.  Let's see if I can get up at 9.  If not, I can go to one and then go to lunch.  That doesn't sound like a bad deal at all.  It makes my days easier when I force myself to go to class because I can't exactly pause the lecture and run off to do something else when I'm in a lecture hall.  We'll see how this works.

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