Monday, September 9, 2013

So it's been 5 days since I started this new workout regimen and I guess it's time for an update.

I worked out 3 days in a row and it killed me.  I haven't been this sore in a while, but I think I did pretty good, considering how out of shape I was and how sick I was.

Here is a breakdown:
Day 1: 30 min elliptical
Day 2: Yoga Meltdown
Day 3: 30 min elliptical and Ab Ripper X

Out of the 8 workouts I was supposed to do, I can cross off these:
Ab Ripper X
Elliptical 1
Elliptical 2
Yoga Meltdown

Now that leaves me with 4 more to do over the next two days:
Fire 45
6 week 6 pack
Own Ab workout

I was really going to do one of these today, but my fever has started up again, and I'm pretty beat.  I might do some abs so I don't have to double up over the next two days.  That leaves me with Fire 45 tomorrow then HIIT 30 and 6 week 6 pack on Tuesday.  Okay, not too bad.  I'll do my own abs today.

Also, just got these:

They actually fit my tiny hands really well.  Can't wait to do it with my Fire workout tomorrow!

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